Participatory Stories & Songs: Soup & Thanksgiving
Asked about everyone's favorite kinds of soup, then opened with a very strange recipe:
Book: Monkey Soup by Louis Sachar (child makes her father a special kind of soup to help get him well – silly! -- Don't try this at home! )
Song/Flannel: "Alphabet Soup" by Tom Chapin (another silly recipe, reinforces alphabet, lyrics here: Soup's On)
Book: Mean Soup by Betsy Everitt (how to handle a "bad day" - could also make "Mean Cheerios!")
Mentioned today we are celebrating the Trenton Soup Kitchen - community feeding...
Interactive story with props (pot, puppets, & veggies): Stone Soup (Participatory storytelling, mentioned old story many variants – I use the Ann McGovern version with old lady and young man - script here: Soup's On)

Book/Cards/Song: Chicken Soup with Rice – Maurice Sendak, tune by Carole King from “Really Rosie” (audio & video available, concept: the names of the months, lyrics here: Soup's On)
Other possible books:
Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert (vocabulary, non-fiction concepts of gardening & food prep)
“Piggy Back” Song/Action: This is the Way we… make the Soup reinforces sequencing)
Armadilly Chili by Helen Ketterman (Armadillo fails to get help from her friends in chili preparation but when they return with "sackfulls of apologies plus apple cider, cornbread, and brownies, she finds sharing dinner with friends is best of all. This is a folktale variant of "Little Red Hen"
That is NOT a Good Idea by Mo Willems
Soup Day by Melissa Iwai
Dumpling Soup by Jama Kin Rattigan
Last Stop on Market Street – Matt de la Pena -- grandmother & child travel on a bus to serve at a soup kitchen
Book: Duck for Turkey Day by Jacqueline JulesDiscussion: who came from a different country? parents? grandparents? – all of us came to this country at some time unless we are Native Americans)
Towel Folding Story: The Case of the Missing Turkey -- Rhonda Turley Piedmont, OK via PUBYAC. Video: (or search youtube for towel and chicken). Story & directions here:
Flannel/Song: The Turkey Ran Away

Song/Prop: I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie (based on the book by Alison Jackson – cut out mounted woman below) Story & directions here:
Action Song: The Turkey Shot Out of the Oven – based on the poem by Jack Prelutsky (lyrics here:
Forgot to do:
Glove Puppets : Uno, Dos, Tres Amigos (reinforces idea that we all have come from different places but celebrate together; enumeration practice, learn/reinforce Spanish language numbers)
Diez Amigos "10 Friends" (glove puppets)Tune: “10 Little Indians”
Uno, dos, tres amigos,
Quatro, cinco, seis amigos,
Siete, Ocho, Nueve amigos,
Diez amigos son.
One, two, three friends,
Four, five, six friends,
Seven, Eight, Nine friends,
Ten friends are we.
More Thanksgiving book and song ideas:
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