Set-up: Room decorated for a birthday party with crepe paper streamers, banners & balloons. Miss Carol costumed as Miss Clavel (nun’s habit). Two long tables draped in blue plastic tablecloths & laid out with crafts – each place had a ceiling crack picture, toilet paper roll Madeline doll, Madeline hat & cape - kids do crafts, then eat cake here. French accordion music CD (Café Paris, details below) playing as kids arrive.
As children entered, gave them a Madeline name tag and Madeline cloak (pre-made from blue plastic tablecloth & red curling ribbon). Directed them to take a place at the tables to make a Madeline hat (Materials: yellow plastic bowl (or paper bowl & yellow marker), 8 holes pre-punched along the rim, red curling ribbon for kids to string through the holes then tie into a bow). Note: a little rolled masking tape helped hats stay on heads. Other option: add ribbons to tie hats on heads.
After most children had their hats, invited all to come to story area. Discussed that though the girl in the book is about their age (maybe 7?) the book was 75 years old. Asked them about the sticker on the book: (Caldecott Silver)
Read: Madeline (original story)
Action: “Madeline, Madeline Turn Around” (based on “Teddy Bear Turn Around”)
Read: Madeline’s Rescue (Caldecott Gold)
- “Miss Clavel Says” (like “Simon Says”) – did this for several minutes -- no winners or losers, just laughs, then played…
- Musical chairs (spots) to French music -- we actually used some small round rubber mats (from a dinosaur game – but they looked like raindrops!) to put on the floor instead of the chairs but the idea was the same. Alternate game possibility: “Hot Potato” passing a Madeline hat or doll. In either game, when music stops, the child eliminated was directed to “Pin the hat on Madeline” so there was no real sense of losers. (Great CD: French Playground (Putumayo Kids) -- start on a different track after each stop.
- Pin the hat on the Madeline (after each child finishes, s/he was directed to the craft tables.)
- Make a Madeline toilet paper roll puppet (directions/templates:
- Ceiling Crack pictures – inspired by the line in the original book: “a crack in the ceiling had the habit of sometimes looking like a rabbit” (Supplies: 11x17 papers with squiggle drawn on each that kids could expand into anything they imagined, markers – similar to a craft I have done with “Harold & the Purple Crayon.”)
Sing: “Happy Birthday”
Food: cake & lemonade
- Hats –bowls (either paper bowl that kids color with yellow markers or yellow plastic bowls), pre-punch holes around the edge so kids can string with red curling ribbon to make bow.
- Capes - pre-cut from blue plastic tablecloths with red curling ribbon ties.
- Madeline books & DVDs to display
- French music CDs & CD-player
- Poster, Tape, & Blindfold for Pin the Hat game
- Puppet supplies: TP rolls, blue rectangles, half sheets with face/limbs, glue sticks, tape, scissors, markers. Squiggle pictures: paper with squiggle, markers, pre-made sample puppet.
- Party decorations (balloons, banners, streamers, props), tablecloths for tables, birthday cake, lemonade, plates, napkins, forks, cups, knife to cut cake, candles/matches
Another idea(didn’t use because expected too many children): Madeline memory game. Make cards of Eiffel tower, Madeline, Miss Clavel, etc.
The Bridgewater Library celebrated the 75 anniversary of the popular children's book "Madeline" on Saturday, Sept. 6.
(Photo: Jenna Intersimone)
- The SCLS will be hosting another Madeline birthday event at the Peapack & Gladstone Library.
- The ten branches of the SCLS hold over 170 "Madeline"-themed materials.
- In the stories written entirely in rhyme, Madeline is the smallest of the girls, yet the bravest.
To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the publication of "Madeline," the timeless red-headed character of Austrian author Ludwig Bemelmans and star of children's books featuring a Catholic boarding school in Paris, the Somerset County Library System held a birthday party at the Bridgewater Library on Saturday involving 16 children and their families.
The tiny attendees crafted blue capes and yellow hats using bowls, ribbons and tablecloths to wear for a Madeline parade, listened in for story time by Miss Clavel, otherwise known as librarian Carol Levine, created handmade Madeline dolls, played Madeline-themed games and shared a birthday cake.
The 10 branches of the library system hold over 170 Madeline-themed materials including books, DVDs and audiobooks.
In the stories written entirely in rhyme, Madeline is the smallest of the girls, yet the bravest and most outgoing of the group. She is the only redhead.
"Madeline' is a cultural touchstone," Library Director Brian Auger said. "I have such fond memories of reading the 'Madeline' books to my daughter. I would give anything to do that again. I read them so many times I can recite the opening lines."
The library system will be hosting other Madeline birthday events this year, the next one being at the Peapack & Gladstone Library on Oct. 14.
Newspaper article
9.2014 BWL
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