A program for when K-4th grade classes visit – usually paired with a library tour -- adapted for Summer Reading Visits for the theme "Every Hero Has a Story" (2015)
Also a Pre-School Storytime below for National Library Week or National Book Week.

Sing: Joe Scrugg’s “Read a Book” (lyrics below)
If time, can read any or all:
Tour the library or tell the details of the Summer Reading Program (feel free to email me if you want my script).
Introduced Summer Reading Clubs -- 3 Components: Reading, Prizes, Programs
All reading counts -- books (ink & paper), comic books, magazines, ebooks, audiobooks (CDs & e-audio)...can check out e-books/e-audio and download to your electronic devices -- great if you are away.
Speaking of electronic devices, new this year, record your minutes online anywhere you have an internet connection...even if you travel to India, China, or Iowa! Bookmark with details.
Prizes -- grand prizes, reading minutes prizes, weekly contests (Find Buddy, Trivia)
Programs (showed flyers) -- hero themed, plus dance parties, Lego, retro games, carnival
Showed sample hero books -- famous heroes (MLK, kid heroes -Malala, superheroes, animal heroes, nursery rhyme heroes - Gingerbread Man Superhero by Dottie Enderly*, and, my favorite superheroes: Librarians!
Showed Library Lil -- asked fiction or non-fiction? (fiction -- cover pix Lil is holding a motorcycle over her head!), then asked same about Librarian on the Roof -- kids astonished to find out non-fiction. Read or told (depending on time available). Substituted Gingerbread Man Superhero with classes that had visited the library this Spring and heard this book already.
Ended with Queen rap "We Will We Will Read Books" -- lyrics below.
Also did at Bedminster School 40 min each group so read all three of the books above & added variously:
songs: "Throw it Out the Window" and "R*E*A*D*
books: Wedgieman to the Rescue by Charise Mericle Harper and/or The Book with No Pictures by B.J.Novak

Singable Book: Wheels on the Bus – Paul O. Zelinsky
Read: Dinosaur vs. Library - Bob Shea
Flannel: Throw it out the window (lyrics below)
Read: Otto the Book Bear – Katie Clemenson
Sing: Joe Scrugg’s “Read a Book” (lyrics below)
Read: The Extraordinary Gift – Florence Langlois
Flannel: “Just use imagination” (lyrics below)
DVD: Reading Rainbow: Alistair in Outer Space
Optional: Sing/sign: R.E.A.D. (lyrics below)
next time add: A Library Book for Bear -- Bonny Becker
Celebrating One Million Minutes Read at Bedminster School 5/2016
a fun and funny storytime celebrating reading!
(only a few classes because 2nd grade had their Meadow display)
How to Read a Story by Kate Messner -- Reader's Theater scripts in Judy Freeman’s 2016 Winners.
It's a Book by Lane Smith -- You mean you don't need to plug it in?
The Book with No Pictures by B.J Novak -- Always brings down the house!
Miss Smith's Incredible Storybook by Michael Garland When the teacher is late for school one day, all the storybook characters escape from their book!
Flannel: Throw it Out the Window -- an action riff on nursery rhymes (lyrics to this and other songs below)
Free Fall by David Wiesner -- a boy's quilt morphs into a magical kingdom in Wiesner's Caldecott-Honor winning magnificent wordless fantasy
Booktalk if no time to read: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore by William Joyce (gorgeous video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad3CMri3hOs)
Warning: Do Not Open this Book by Adam Lehrhaupt -- or the monkeys may get you!
Action Song: I'm Being Swallowed by a Big Alligator
Pirate Treasure Hunt by Jan Peck -- pajama-wearing pirates follow their captain in this rollicking action book
Song: R.E.A.D.
Reading Makes You Feel Good by Todd Parr

Amanda and her Alligator – Willems

Read A Book from Joe Scrugg’ s album “Deep in the Jungle”
When you’re feeling kinda blue READ A BOOK
It’s the only thing to do READ A BOOK
When your mother’s gone to town
or the rain is coming down
When you’re all by yourself READ A BOOK
There’s a good one on the shelf TAKE A LOOK
When your friends have gone away
And there’s no one left to play
Feeling lonesome is a waste of time
Why don’t you read a book instead
You can be your own TV
With pictures in your head!
You can see a chimpanzee IN A BOOK
Sail across a shining sea IN A BOOK
On a map of foreign lands
Cross a desert?s burning sands
It?s all right there in a book!
There’s heroes from history
Royal Kings and Queens
Magic and mystery
And elephants with wings!
When you have some time to spare READ A BOOK
Just curl up in a chair WITH A BOOK
There’s puzzles and poems
Riddles games and jokes
Cowboys and Clowns
And other funny folks!
A world of fun and laughter
is waiting for you there
Throw It Out the Window Song on Judy Freeman’s “Hi Ho Librario”
Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard
To fetch her poor dog a bone.
But when she got there, the cupboard was bare,
So she threw it out the window…
The window, the window,
The second story window,
High, Low, Low, High
And she threw it out the window
Old King Cole was a merry old soul,
And a merry old soul was he,
He called for his pipe, and he called for his bowl,
And he threw them out the window…
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep
And doesn't know where to find them.
But leave them alone-- when they come home
She'll throw them out the window...
He stuck a feather in his cap
And threw it out the window…
(Continue with other familiar nursery rhymes…Jack and Jill, Jack Be Nimble, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Humpty Dumpty, Twinkle Twinkle…)
R*E*A*D lyrics by Carol Levin, tune L*O*V*E from Linda Arnold’s album
Happiness Cake
Chorus: R*E*A*D: Reading a book is fun for you and me
R*E*A*D": You’ll find them at the library!
Reading is a skill
That will take you where you will
No matter where you go...
You can read just for fun
Or to make your model run
And see how much you grow!
You can read about the sun
Or a battle lost or won
You can read about a bird who sings...
You can read about a car
Or a place that’s very far
Or a fairy’s magic ring!
So no matter where you go
Or what you do and know
Don’t forget to read and read...
No matter where you look
You’ll find knowledge in a book
And kids who read succeed!
FINAL CHORUS (do it twice through)
We Will, We Will Read Books (tune: Queen's “We will Rock You”) found in Rob Reid's Twenty Four Creative Programs for All Ages (page 105):
Use stomp, stomp, clap (stomp feet) or slap, slap, clap (slap knees) rhythm
Wha'cha gonna do? Wha'cha gonna do?Wha'cha gonna do when the school year's through?
Gonna hang around the place? Stuffin' your face?
Bein' a slob & takin' up space? NO!
We will, we will read books! We will, we will read books!
Wha'cha gonna do? Wha'cha gonna do?
Wha'cha gonna do when the school year's through?
Gonna check out a book, Take a good look,
It's free, fast, fun, & easy to do.
SING IT! We will, we will read books! We will, we will read books!
Wha'cha gonna do? Wha'cha gonna do? Wha'cha gonna do when the school year's through?
WE WILL, WE WILL READ BOOKS! (or substitute "Summer Reading Rocks You!)
Variation:Start by setting up a three beat rhythm (slap thighs twice - clap hands once, repeat throughout)
Slap slap CLAP
Slap slap CLAP
Slap slap CLAP
Slap slap CLAP
Chorus: Books and Reading rock you...HUH! (repeat)
(Notes: When you grunt "HUH" pull elbow down across body toward opposite knee for emphasis. If you want to get fancy, you can do the part which follows. Keep the rhythm going throughout.)
Everybody gather 'round
Because you know the time has come
To have a really wonderful story time!
So find your space
Sit in your place
I'm gonna put a smile on your face
Chorus: Books and Reading rock you.....HUH! (repeat)
IF YOU WANT TO KNOW AN ANSWER... (tune: "If You're
If you want to know an answer, read a book! (2 times)
If you're wondering where the moon goes;
If you're wondering how the grass grows;
If you want to know an answer, read a book!
If you'd like to learn to draw, read a book! (2 times)
If you'd like to draw a dog,
Or a frog sitting on a log;
If you'd like to learn to draw, read a book!
If you'd like to learn to bake, read a book! (2 times)
If you'd like to make some candy,
Or a pizza that is dandy;
If you'd like to learn to bake, read a book!
JUST USE IMAGINATION (possible flannel, tune: "Yankee Doodle")
Reading can be lots of fun Just use imagination,
I'm jumping with a parachute
I'm king of all creation!
I'm swimming cross the ocean wide
I'm riding on a turtle,
I'm flying high with butterflies
I'm jumping o'er a hurdle.
I'm dancing with a million stars
I'm painting my own rainbow;
I'm playing music on a harp,
A fiddle, and a banjo.
Reading can be lots of fun
Just use imagination,
I'm up in a hot air balloon
I'm king of all creation!
Reading Cheers: (unless otherwise noted, source unknown)
L-I-B-R-A-R-Y (by Caroline Bauer)Where do you go for the poetry? L-I-B-R-A-R-Y
Where do you go for the history? L-I-B-R-A-R-Y
Where do you go if you're old and shy?
Where do you go to learn how to fly?
That's how you spell it,
Whatcha gonna tell it?
It's been in your town for a hundred years.
Let's give the library three big cheers:
When I say 'library', you say "card":
Library (card) library (card)
I got one today, and it wasn't too hard.
Library (card) library (card)
Big brick building, how sweet it looks,
Takes me on to the land of books.
LET’S READ! R-E-A-D R-E-A-D (spell it out) You learn to read by going to school
Once you can read you're nobody's fool
If you need to know it,
A book is gonna show it.
Give me a R
Give me an E
Give me an A
Give me a D
What's that spell?
What's that spell?
Go to the library and get a book
Become a magician or a gourmet cook.
Reading books is really great
It helps you to communicate
Read poetry all day long
And perhaps one day you'll write a song
Fairy tales, scary tales, joke books, too.
What you read is up to you.
Now do it!
Go to it.
Clap your hands,
Stamp your feet,
The Public Library
Can't be beat!
Judy Freeman's book & CD "Hi Ho Librario" includes more songs, chants and stories.
See Also: http://carolsimonlevin.blogspot.com/2014/12/school-age-storytime-celebrating-books.html
Flannel: Storybook Friends
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