(This is a long program, I pick and choose which I use and in what order depending on the audience. Lyrics/details follow below. These have been gathered over 20+ years and unfortunately I don’t have source notes for most.)
Halloween Hootenany --
Storytelling (props for children to use - shoes, pants, shirt, hat, gloves, pumpkin head, scarecrow): The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams
Action (scarecrow puppet): "Scarecrow, Scarecrow Turn Around"
Storytelling: (puppets & props for children to use -witch, ghost, mummy (can substitute skeleton or scarecrow puppet, vampire, tiny bat, pumpkin, pumpkin pie): Big Pumpkin by Erica Silverman -- skipped at Bedminster, had used in pumpkin program
Book: Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds (Caldicott Honor, booktalked his Creepy Pair of Underwear)
Participatory Pop-Up Book: In a Dark Dark Wood by David A. Carter
Book: My Working Mom by Peter Glassman (started by reading without showing the pictures - book seems boring until you find out that the "working mom" is a witch!)
Action: "A Little Old Lady Was Stirring a Pot..."
Storytelling (puppets or hanging signs): One Dark Night by Edna Mitchell Preston
Fold Out Song Prop: "10 Trick or Treaters"
Book: Leonardo the Terrible Monster by Mo Willems (booktalked his new Sam, the Most Scared-Cat Kid in the Whole World)
Flannel/Song: "It's Monster Day" by Linda Arnold (put a flannel piece on each child – human flannel boards! -- good way to make sure every child had a turn to have a puppet or prop)
Book: Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak (mentioned meaning of Caldecott medal)
Action Book: If You're a Monster & You Know it by Rebecca & Ed Emberley (great for inspiring art projects)
Book: Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley
Action Song: "Horns, Fangs, Knees and Paws...Eyes and Ears and Tail and Claws" (Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes variation)
Optional additions – used in some groups if time/space:
Flannel Song: "Old McDonald Had a Haunted House" (great if not everyone has had a chance to have a part)
Flannel Song: "Thirteen Days of Halloween"
Action Song: Hooky Spooky (Hokey Pokey variant)
Prop/Song: There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat
Book: Perfect Pumpkin Pie by Denys Cazet (Participatory book, poster with words for group to chant)
2017: BWL, Bedm K-1, afterschool outreach Whiton, JFK, Bradley Gardens, younger version done at Kindercastle
2016 (40-45 min. program for preschoolers):
Music as kids arriving “Addams Family” (track #5 from Andrew Gold’s Halloween), then encouraged “copycat” (one kid starts a move, everyone notices and follows) dancing to “Ghostbusters” (track #6)
Song: I am the Great Pumpkin
Participatory Storytelling (Puppets/Props): Big Pumpkin
Glove: Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate
Participatory Storytelling (Hanging Signs): One Dark Night by Edna Mitchell Preston
Book: In a Dark, Dark Wood by David A. Carter
Song: How to Make a Ghost Tune: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”
Song: Two Little Ghosts
Story/Flannel or Props: The Little Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams
Song/Movement: Scarecrow, scarecrow, turn around (Scarecrow puppet)
Book: Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberly
Song/Flannel: Old McDonald had a Haunted HouseSong/Flannel (Creative Dramatics): It’s Monster Day – Linda Arnold
Song/Movement: Hookey Spooky (Tune: Hokey Pokey”)
End: Shakey Eggs to “Dem Bones” (track #16 on Spooky Favorites)
Fold Out Prop: 10 Trick or Treaters (tune: “10 Little Indians”)
Hand out halloween treats, mention the Teal Pumpkin Project (food allergies)
Lyrics & Scripts:
Song: I am the Great Pumpkin (tune: “Did You Ever See a Lassie?”
I am the Great Pumpkin, Great Pumpkin, Great Pumpkin
I am the Great Pumpkin, Come sing with Me.
For Your Friends are my friends and my friends are your friends,
I am the Great Pumpkin, Great Pumpkin, Great Pumpkin
I am the Great Pumpkin, Come sing with Me
(variation: change “sing” to dance, skip, hop, clap jump, etc.)
Storytelling (Creative Dramatics/Neck tags): One Dark Night by Irene Preston (Children wear necktags with names & image of each character, line up. Narrator points to each character as each line is read. I like to have everyone in the audience make hand “walking” movements as characters are “sneaking up the road” and I hold up pointer finger (for one)-middle finger(dark)-ring ringer(night) as I chant “one dark night.” After the squeek, I have each child “jump” (up jumped the witch, up jumped the ghost, etc. – rather than fall on each other) .) then have all of them run to the witch’s front door . Then I have a little finger puppet mouse that I pull out of my waistband or pocket and wiggle it in front of the audience…”and this is the little mouse…”)
Song: Sometimes I like to Walk in the Dark (tune: “Pop Goes the Weasel”)
Sometimes I like to walk in the dark.
I like to shout and scree-am
I sneak behind somebody I know.
BOO! It’s Hallowee-en!
Fingerplay/Action : Five Little Goblins
Five little goblins on Halloween Night (show 5 fingers)
Made a very, very spooky sight.
The first one danced on his tippy tippy toes (fingers walk on arm)
The second one tumbled and bumped his nose. (touch nose)
The third one jumped high up in the air. (arms up)
The fourth one walked like a fuzzy fuzzy bear. (swing arms)
The fifth one sang a Halloween song. (hands beside open mouth)
Five goblins played the whole night long. (wiggle fingers)
Song/Action: One Little Goblin (tune: “Mary Had a Little Lamb”)
One little goblin hopping up and down,
hopping up and down,
hopping up and down
One little goblin hopping up and down – for this is Halloween
Two little skeletons walking down the street…
Three little witches flying through the air…
Four little pumpkins glowing in the night…
Five black cats creeping to and fro…
Fold Out Prop: 10 Trick of Treaters (tune: 10 Little Indians)
One little, two little, three trick-or-treaters,
Four little, five little, six trick-or-treaters,
Seven little, eight little, nine trick-or-treaters,
Ten trick-or-treaters on Halloween night.
One dressed up in a pirate costume,
Two has a mask, and Three has a hat on,
Four is a clown and Five is a skeleton,
All dressed up for Halloween night.
Six is a ghost, Seven is a cat,
Eight is a witch, Nine is a bat.
Ten is a monster – don’t they look spooky?
All dressed up for Halloween night.
Take off the masks and take off the hats,
No more goblins, no more cats.
All those Spooks are just sleepy children
Ready for bed on Halloween night!
Book: Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberly (Alternatives: If You Are a Monster & You Know It – Rebecca & Ed Emberley or their There was an Old Monster, but same tune as “swallowed a bat” later)
Song: There’s a Monster in the Tree (source unknown) Tune: “Spider on the Floor”
There’s a monster in the tree, in the tree.
There’s a monster in the tree, in the tree.
There’s a monster in the tree,
And he’s counting up to three
There’s a monster in the tree, in the tree.
2. There’s a monster at the door... And she’s dancing on the floor
3. There’s a monster in the hall… And he’s playing with a ball
4. There’s a monster in the kitchen... And she’s singing with a chicken
5. There’s a monster in the pot… And he’s getting very hot
6. There’s a monster in the bedroom.. And he’s sweeping with a red broom
7. There are monsters in the bed… “Goodnight” is what they said.
Song/Flannel (Creative Dramatics): It’s Monster Day – Linda Arnold Song on Linda Arnold’s album “Peppermint Wings” (I made easy monster flannels using felt and pinking sheers)
Monsters short, Monsters tall,
Monsters playing basketball,
Monsters clumsy, Monsters cute,
Monsters in their bathing suits,
Monsters blue, Monsters red,
Monsters standing on their heads,
Monsters try to comb their hair,
Monsters in their underwear!
It's monster day - hip hip hooray,
As they pass you can hear them say:
Chorus:Ugga bugga ugga (echo)
Ugga bugga boo (echo)
Bleelelele (echo)
Scooby dooby doo (echo)
Ugga bugga ugga (echo)
Ugga bugga boo (echo)
Monsters may be ugly,
Monsters need love too!
Monsters brave, Monsters shy,
Monsters eating pumpkin pie,
Monsters fast, Monsters slow,
Monsters playing tic,tac,toe!
Monsters happy, Monsters sad,
Monsters crabby, Monsters glad,
Monsters having lots of fun,
Monsters chewing bubble gum! Repeat Chorus
Song: How to Make a Ghost” Tune: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”
Take a white sheet from your bed,
Put it on your little head.
Cut two holes for your eyes,
Make them just about this size.
Now you know just what to do,
Whisper softly one word – BOO!
Fingerplay: Boo!
Who’s behind the spooky mask? (Cover face with hands)
Could it be a bear? (Hold hands with fingers bent)
Could it be a monster with Wild & Crazy Hair? (Point to hair)
Could it be an anteater with a nose of red & green? (Bent finger in front of nose)
No, it’s just me in this mask (Point to self)
It’s time for Halloween! (Cover face with hands.)
BOO! (Quickly peek out from behind)
Song: Two Little Ghosts
A Very Old Witch was Stirring a Pot – ooooo—ooo—oo-ooo (make stirring motion)
Two little ghosts said “What has she got?” – ooooo—ooo—oo-ooo (shrug)
Tippy-toe-tippy-toe-tippy--toe -- – ooooo—ooo—oo-ooo (walk fingers up arm)BOO!! (Clap hands sharply)
Song/Flannel: Old McDonald had a Haunted House
Old McDonald had a haunted house, e-I-e-I-Boo!
And in that house he had a bat, e-I-e-I-Boo!
Bat…flutter, flutter, here
Jack O’Lantern…smile…
Song/Movement: Hookey Spooky (Tune: Hokey Pokey”)
You put your hand bones in, you take your hand bones out
You put your hand bones in, and you rattle them about.
You do the hookey spooky and everybody shout,
“That’s what it’s all about. BOO!”
2. funny bones (elbows), 3. leg bone, 4. neck bone, 5. back bone 6. your skeleton.
Song (Props) : Have You Seen the Pumpkin Man? (tune: “The Muffin Man”)
Have you seen the pumpkin man, the pumpkin man, the pumpkin man?
Have you seen the pumpkin man, who lives in the pumpkin patch?
Have you seen the old black witch…who lives in the haunted house?
Have you seen the scary/smiling ghost…who lives in the old ghost town?
Have you seen the old scarecrow…who lives in the old cornfield?
Oh yes we’ve seen…they’re here on Halloween!
Storytelling: Big Pumpkin – Erica Silverman (Distribute characters & props to kids: witch, ghost, monster, skeleton, tiny bat, pumpkin, pumpkin pie – I chant/sing this using a tune from an old Scholastic audiorecording – feel free to get in touch with me if you want to learn it.)
Fingerplay: A Funny Old Woman
A funny old woman in a pointed hat (hands form pointed hat on head)
Upon my door went rap, rap, rap (knock)
I was going to the door to see who was there, (fingers walk)
When off on her broomstick, she rode through the air. (move hand through air)
Action: One Little Witch
One little witch did a dancing jig
Two little witches wished they were big
Three little witches jumped up and down
Four little witches went to town
Five little witches on Halloween night
Jumped on their broomsticks and flew out of sight!
Song: Three Little Witches (tune: “Ten Little Indians”)
One little, two little, three little witches
Fly over haystacks, fly over ditches
Slide down moonbeams without any hitches
Hey Ho Halloween’s here!
Song: I am a Pumpkin Big and Round
I am a pumpkin big and round (arms form circle above head)
Once upon a time I grew on the ground (point to ground)
Now I have a mouth, two ears and a nose, (point to features)
What are they for, do you suppose? (scratch head)
With a candle inside, shining bright, (arm bends, points up)
I’ll be a Jack O’Lantern on Halloween Night! (grin)
Glove: Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a gate
Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a gate
The first one said, “Oh my, it’s getting late.”
The second one said, “There are witches in the air.”
The third one said, “But we don’t care.”
The fourth one said, “Let’s Run, Let’s Run!”
The fifth one said, “It’s Halloween Fun.”
Then “WHOOOOOO!!!!!” went the wind
And OUT (clap) went the lights.
And five little pumpkins rolled out of sight!
Story/Flannel or Props: The Little Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams (Props: Old lady puppet, shoes, shirt, pants, gloves, hat, pumpkin face, assembled scarecrow)
Song/Movement: Scarecrow, scarecrow, turn around (Scarecrow puppet)
Scarecrow, scarecrow, Turn around
Touch the ground
Show your shoe
Now say BOO!
Get off your post
Look for a ghost
Beware of the witch
She’s in the ditch!
Fingerplay: I made a Jack-o-lantern on Halloween Night
I made a Jack-o-lantern on Halloween Night (Arms circle above head)
He has three crooked teeth, but he won’t bite (Point to teeth)
He has two round eyes, but he cannot see. (Point to eyes)
He’s a Jolly Jack O’Lantern, as happy as can be. (Smile)
Song: I am a Jack O’Lantern -- Look at me! (Tune: I’m a Little Teapot)
I am a Jack O’Lantern -- Look at me!
I’m as happy as I can be.
Put a candle inside and light the light.
I’ll scare you on Halloween Night! Boo—oo—oo!
Song/Cards: The Thirteen Nights of Halloween (Distribute cards with these characters for kids to hold up as you sing their verse)
On the first night of Halloween, my true friend gave to me…
A vulture in a dead tree
2 hissing cats
3 fat frogs
4 giggling ghosts
5 cooked worms
6 owls a-screeching
7 spiders creeping
8 brooms a-flying
9 wizards whizzing
10 goblins gobbling
11 bats a-swooping
12 cauldrons bubbling
13 ghouls a-gabbling

There was an old lady who swallowed a bat. (Can read book or use “Old Lady who swallowed a fly/pie” prop found here: http://carolsimonlevin.blogspot.com/2013/11/thanksgiving-storytimes-preschool-and.html)
There was an old lady who swallowed a bat.
I don't know why she swallowed a bat, imagine that.
There was an old lady who swallowed an owl. My, oh, my she started to howl.
She swallowed the owl to shush the bat. I don't know why she swallowed a bat, imagine that.
There was an old lady who swallowed a cat. What do you think? Now she's so fat.
She swallowed the cat to chase the owl.
She swallowed the owl to shush the bat.
I don't know why she swallowed a bat, imagine that.
There was an old lady who swallowed a ghost. What do you think? She liked it the most!
She swallowed the ghost to catch the cat.
She swallowed the cat to chase the owl.
She swallowed the owl to shush the bat.
I don't know why she swallowed a bat, imagine that.
There was an old lady who swallowed a goblin. It made her so dizzy, she started to spin.
She swallowed the goblin to scare the ghost.
She swallowed the ghost to catch the cat.
She swallowed the cat to chase the owl.
She swallowed the owl to shush the bat.
I don't know why she swallowed a bat, imagine that.
There was an old lady who swallowed some bones. There were so many, she started to groan.
She swallowed the bones to rattle the goblin.
She swallowed the goblin to scare the ghost.
She swallowed the ghost to catch the cat.
She swallowed the cat to chase the owl.
She swallowed the owl to shush the bat.
I don't know why she swallowed a bat, imagine that.
There was an old lady who swallowed a wizard to cast a spell so she could yell,
"Trick or Treat!"--Burp!
Song: The Witch on Halloween (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
(Stand in circle holding hands, players move clockwise singing as adults chooses witch to stand in center. Each character chooses the next to come until all are chosen.)
The witch on Halloween, the witch on Halloween,
Heigh-ho, let’s trick or treat, the witch on Halloween.
The witch chooses a… (name the children’s Halloween costumes until all are called)
They all say BOO! They all say BOO!
Heigh-ho, let’s trick or treat, They all say BOO!
*******************************For School Age Groups may add********************
Story: Teeny Tiny Woman
Song: Skin & Bones
There was an old woman all skin & bones, oooooh…
She lived down by the old graveyard, ooooh…
One night she thought she’d take a walk, ooooh…
She walked down by the old graveyard, ooooh…
She saw the bones all laying around, ooooh…
She went to the closet to get a broom, ooooh…
She opened the door and BOO!
Bedminster 10/19 (separate Pumpkins program the week before)
ReplyDeleteMy Working Mom - Peter Glassman
Chant: A Very Old Witch Was Stirring A Pot...
Leonardo the Terrible Monster -- Mo Willems
Interactive story (with placards): One Dark Night
Too Many Monsters -- Eve Bunting
Flannel Song: It's Monster Day
Where the Wild Things Are -- Maurice Sendak
Singable/Action book: If You're a Monster and You Know It - Rebecca & Ed Emberley (great art ideas)
There's Something in my Attic -- Mercer Mayer (some classes)
Go Away Big Green Monster -- Emberly (one group)
Flannel Song: Old McDonald Had a Haunted House (one class)
omitted: In a Dark Dark Wood -- David Carter (no longer available at the library)
Flannel Song: The Thirteen Days of Halloween (others -- more fun)
One group only: A Job for Wittilda- Buehner (cute story but no time)
One group only (no time): 10 Trick or Treaters
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