Art Experiences:
Celebrate Me! Self Portraits (Ages 3-10)
share the book “I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More” then create our own colorful
Read: I Ain’t Gonna Paint No
More! by Karen Beaumont
Action Rhyme: I Paint My Fingers
I paint my fingers
I paint my toes
I paint my elbows
I paint my nose
I paint my body all over the place
Then I paint a smile across my face!
I paint my toes
I paint my elbows
I paint my nose
I paint my body all over the place
Then I paint a smile across my face!
Read: Elephants Can Paint Too by Katya Arnold (599.67 ARN)
Rhyme: As I Was Going out one Day
As I was going out one day (step high, arms pumping)
My head fell off and rolled away (point to head, roll arms over
one another)
But when I saw that it was gone, (shade eyes)
I picked it up and put it on (mime this)
And when I went into the street (step high, arms pumping)
A fellow cried, “Look at your feet!” (point to feet)
I looked at them and sadly said, (shade eyes)
I’ve left them both asleep
in bed!” (shake head sadly)
full-size self portraits (materials: craft paper (or bulletin board paper) pre-cut in 3 ½, 4,and 5 foot
lengths, markers, scissors, gluesticks, pompoms, feathers, scrap paper, etc.)
Music playing while artists working :
Tom Chapin “Some Assembly Required”
Additional resources::
Miawber – Lithgow, Handprint Circles Usborne Art Treasury J750.11 DIC p/92-95, for older kids: Here’s
Looking at Me: How Artists See Themselves – Raczka (recommended by Judy
Freeman additional ideas p.44 Winners 2006)
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