Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Fairytale Engineering "The Three Little Pigs" - Build a Better House


Join us as we learn about houses and homes, act out the traditional story "The Three Little Pigs," then see who can make the tallest, strongest, and most interesting buildings.

Families with children of different ages are welcome to come all together to one program.

As kids arrived, could look at versions of The Three Little Pigs and building books

Preschool Fairytale Engineering Series( Ages 3-6 ) 10:00 a.m.


Participatory/Action Storytelling:  Acted out traditional story: The Three Little Pigs (Supplies: 3 pigs and wolf puppets (laminated enlarged clip art mounted on chopsticks work), yellow, brown, and red sheets of paper photocopied with “straw”, “sticks”, and “bricks” patterns, optional parachute.) 


Handed out pigs & wolf puppets to child volunteers. As narrator tells story (one house built and blown down at a time), the rest of the children picked up appropriate paper "building materials" and stand around first one, then two, then all three pigs (my telling has the pigs escaping to the next pig's house, not being eaten) under a parachute held by adults & teens.  If using parachute: adults shake parachute as the wolf "huffs & puffs" and children urged to "fall down" when the wolf “blew the house down.” (Kids help narrator with the lines "Little pig(s), little pig(s), let me come in." "Not by the hair on my/our chinny-chin-chin(s)!" "Then I'll huff & I'll puff & I'll blow your house in!") At the end, narrator can either have the wolf sliding down into a pot of boiling water, loudly yelling "ouch" and running away (Susan Dailey's suggestion) or use the more traditional (bloodthirsty) version. Note, depending on the energy level of the group, I sometimes will omit using the parachute during the storytelling because the group may get quite wild, and instead bring it out afterwards for:
Parachute/Action Song: In and Out of Doors by Susan Dailey http://www.susanmdailey.com/houses.htm


Song/Flannel: “A House is a House for Me” – based on the book Mary Ann Hoberman (music: track 7 on Fred Penner’s album “Collections”)


Interactive/Guessing Game Books: Not a Stick and Not a Box both by Antoinette Portis


Book: Dreaming Up: A Celebration of Building by Christy Hale  (showed pictures discussing child-made and architect-made buildings, didn't read most of the poems)

Then had kids free-play with the construction materials at the stations below.


Kids Fairytale Engineering Challenge Series(Entering Grades K-4) 11:30

Asked who knew the story of The Three Little Pigs (almost everyone did)

Read 1st Section: Yo, Hungry Wolf by David Vozar (a rap version of the traditional tale)


Reader's Theater (performed by two teens with wolf & pig puppets, cauldron) “Pig & Wolf” from You Read to Me, I'll Read to You Fairy Tales by Mary Ann Hoberman


Read: The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig by Eugene Trivizas (398.2 TRI) -- Three little wolves jointly build houses of brick, cement, and a barbed wire prison fortress -- each of which is destroyed by a big bad pig (using sledgehammer, jackhammer, and dynamite), but when they build a garden house of flowers, they find it works to turn their enemy into a friend.


Read: What It Feels Like to Be A Building by Forest Wilson – clever look at building components & forces (Dreaming Up would also work well)

Both groups:

Entering and working music "Zig Zag" & “Collections” by Tom Chapin


  • Duplo (on floor)
  • Lego
  • Straws and Connectors (on floor)
  • Keva Blocks
  • Strawbees
  • Popsicle Sticks
  • 3x3"  3x6" and 3x9" cardboard squares (cut from B&T inserts) & scissors -- kids could notch, bend & build

Younger kids - free build. 
Older kids had challenge of building tallest, strongest (had hair dryer & extension cord) or most creative structure.

Take home handout:


Other cute Three Little Pigs by Barry Moser (398.2MOS) and James Marshall (398.2MAR), waffle variation with enterprising female pig by Stephen Kellogg (398.2KEL)

More ideas: http://carolsimonlevin.blogspot.com/2013/03/houses-homes-and-habitats.html









07.17 BWL

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