Opening Music: “Dinosaur, Dinosaur” – track 16 from album Philadelphia Chickens by Sandra Boynton
Book: Dinosaur Galore (pop-up version of Dinosaur Roar) by Paul and Henrietta Strickland (exploring opposites) or Flapdoodle Dinosaurs by David A. Carter (colors)
Action Song: “We are the Dinosaurs” – track 1 from album We are the Dinosaurs by Laurie Berkner and/or “Dinosaurs, They Had Fun” (lyrics below)
Book: If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur by Linda Bailey or Dino Pets by Lynn Plourde (simple text with unusual dinosaurs, names & facts in back) or Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp by Carol Diggory Shields
Puppet/Song/Story: “There’s a Dinosaur Knocking at my Door” – from album Happiness Cake by Linda Arnold (lyrics below)
Book: Dad’s Dinosaur Day by Diane Dawson Hearn (Delightful account of what happens when narrator's Dad turns into a dinosaur!)
Flannel/Song: “I’m Bringing Home a Baby Dinosaur” (lyrics below)
(Anytime) Action Song: "Dino Pokey"
DVD: Danny and the Dinosaur (on the Weston Woods 50th Anniversary Collection)
Close with: Shakey eggs to “Dinosaur, Dinosaur” – track 16 from album Philadelphia Chickens by Sandra Boynton
Final Song: If you’re happy and you know it…end with “roar”
Dinosaur finger punch puppets: http://www.cantonpl.org/youth/kids/fun/dinosaur-finger-puppets
3.13, 3.15,
12.16 (outreach Preschool Place Kdg. -- in-house Tuesday 1:30 only 4 kids, can reuse in spring):
Opening Music: “Dinosaur, Dinosaur” – track 16 from Philadelphia Chickens
Time Train by Paul Flieschman – helped kids notice the details from “olden days” in this fantasy journey to the dinosaur era…
Puppet/Song/Story: “There’s a Dinosaur Knocking at my Door” – from album Happiness Cake by Linda Arnold (lyrics below)
Dad’s Dinosaur Day by Diane Dawson Hearn Suggested kids might enjoy writing the implied sequel “Mom’s Dinosaur Day.”
(Anytime) Action Song: "Dino Pokey"
Dino Pets Go To School by Lynn Plourde (simple text with unusual dinosaurs, names & facts in back)
Flannel/Song: “I’m Bringing Home a Baby Dinosaur” (lyrics below)
Book: Can I have a Dinosaur Mom, Can I, Please! by Lois Grambling
Book: Dinosaur Galore (pop-up version of Dinosaur Roar) by Paul and Henrietta Strickland (exploring opposites)
Prehistoric Actual Size – 560 Jenkins
Closed with action song: “We are the Dinosaurs” – track 1 from album We are the Dinosaurs by Laurie Berkner
3.16 BWL did this version of the program:
Made a path to the storywell with the Dino Stomp Number Line from that kid distributed by Discount School Supply
Opening Music: “Dinosaur, Dinosaur” – track 16 from album Philadelphia Chickens by Sandra Boynton
(a.m. opened with Harry’s Dinosaurs Go to School – Ian Whybrow -- a little long for this group – skipped in p.m.)
Dad’s Dinosaur Day – Diane Dawson Hearn – What do you think it would be like to have a dad who turned into a dinosaur? Suggested kids (and moms!) might enjoy writing the implied sequel “Mom’s Dinosaur Day.”
Puppet/Song/Story: “There’s a Dinosaur Knocking at my Door” – from album Happiness Cake by Linda Arnold (lyrics below)
Dino Pets Go To School by Lynn Plourde (simple text with unusual dinosaurs, names & facts in back)
Flannel/Song: “I’m Bringing Home a Baby Dinosaur” (lyrics below)
(p.m. tried If You Happen to Have a Dinosaur by Linda Bailey – cute but maybe a little much –another book that could inspire young authors to write their own sequels.)
(Anytime) Action Song: "Dino Pokey"
Book: Dinosaur Galore (pop-up version of Dinosaur Roar) by Paul and Henrietta Strickland (exploring opposites)
Number identification/shakey eggs/action song: “We are the Dinosaurs” – track 1 from album We are the Dinosaurs by Laurie Berkner (gave children shakey eggs and arranged 10 of the dinosaur egg numbers from Dino Stomp Number Line Activity Kit in a circle. We marched then stopped the music and the children identified the number they were standing on .)
DVD: Danny and the Dinosaur (on the Weston Woods 50th Anniversary Collection)
Craft table: Dinosaur finger punch puppets:
Additional Book Possibilities:
Chalk by Bill Thomson (love this imaginative story but am saving for "rain" storytime)Sammy & the Dinosaurs by Ian Whybrow
Can I have a Stegosaurus Mom? by Lois Grambling (GREAT but too long for younger groups 4+ only)
No More Room ... (act this out, use numeral cards)
Woke up and started to roar!
There's no more room, no more no more
No more room on this cave floor.
Then they pushed and they shoved and they pushed some more
And one of those dinosaurs was pushed out the door.
One huge dinosaur sleeping on a cave floor
Woke up and started to roar!
It's lonely here, it was better before
Please come back to this cave floor!
Dinosaurs Count (flannel or glove puppet)
Five fat dinosaurs letting out a roar,
Dinosaurs, They had fun Sung to: “This Old Man”
Dinosaurs, They had fun.
They made footprints one by one
With a boom, boom, boom
And a stomp, stomp, stomp (Stomp feet)They all marched around the swamp.
There's a Dinosaur Knocking at my Door From the album “Happiness Cake” by Linda Arnold
Chorus: There's a dinosaur knocking at my door
Knocking one, two, three
There's a dinosaur knocking at my door
And he wants to play with me
"Knock, knock" "Who's there?"
"Tyrone" "Tyrone who?"
Tyronasarus Rex, and I'm here to play with you" Chorus
Though mother went out to town for the day
She never said that dinosaurs weren't allowed to play
So I opened up the door and I said "Come in"
He wagged his tail and he gave me a grin
Then he squeezed and he squeezed till he came right through
With the door, the window, and the front wall too! Chorus
Well, he rubbed his tummy and he said "Let's eat"
I went into the kitchen to fix him up a treat
I opened up the jar of crunch peanut butter
He ate the jar and all and said, "I think I'll have another"
I turned around and found the whole refrigerator gone
He looked at me and burped and said, "Did I do something wrong?" Chorus
Well we started taking turns jumping on the parents' bed
He only had half a turn, then the bed was dead
On the second jump, his head went through the roof
He blinked his eyes and said, "Oops! I think I made a goof!"
Suddenly I saw my mother coming through the door
So I said, "Guess what, I've got a dinosaur!"
If I Had a Dinosaur Song on Raffi’s “More Singable Songs”
If I had a dinosaur, just think what we could do.
He could lift me off the floor and take me to the zoo.
And if I had a dinosaur, just think what we could see.
We could look inside the clouds above my balcony.
And if iI had a dinosaur, just think where we could go.
All the way to grandma's house to play her piano.
Song: Did You Ever See a Dino? tune: Did You Ever See A Lassie?
1. Did you ever see (ride, kiss, hug, tickle) (suit actions to words) a dino, a dino, a dino -Did you ever see (ride, kiss, hug, tickle) a dino, a real dinosaur?
Like Tricerotops, and Iquanodon -Or Apatosaurus and Stegosaurus?
Did you ever see (ride, kiss, hug, tickle) a dino, a real dinosaur?
2. No I never saw (rode, kissed, hugged, tickled) a dino, a dino, a dino
No I never saw (rode, kissed, hugged, tickled) a dino, a real dinosaur
Like Tricerotops, and Iquanodon -Or Apatosaurus and Stegosaurus.
No I never saw (rode, kissed, hugged, tickled) a dino, a real dinosaur.
Dino Ditty http://www.hummingbirded.com/dinosaurs.html (Sung to Doo Wah Ditty)
Here he comes just a stompin’ with his feet
Singing Dino Ditty Ditty dum ditty do
Lookin’ all around for something good to eat
Singing Dino Ditty Ditty dum ditty do
He's Huge (teacher) He's Huge (kids)
He's strong (teacher) He's strong (kids)
He's huge, he's strong, won't be hungry very long. (together)
Singing Dino Ditty Ditty dum ditty do
I’ve Been Digging for a Dino
Tune: “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad”
I’ve been digging for a dino,
Digging very deep.
I’ve been digging for a dino,
No time to eat or sleep.
I find more bones every minute,
And when my dig is done,
I’ll glue all the bones together
And have a skeleton!
I'm Bringing Home a Baby Dinosaur (Tune: I’m Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee) | |
I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee,
Won't my mama be so proud of me!
I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee,
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
Ouch! He stung me!
Oh, I’m bringing home a baby rattlesnake.
Won’t my mommy shiver, shake, and quake.
‘Cause I’m bringing home a baby rattlesnake,
Rattle, rattle, rattle, rattle!
Ouch! He bit me!
I'm bringing home a baby crocodile
Won't my mama wear a great big smile!
I'm bringing home a baby crocodile,
Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap!
Hey! Those are my fingers!
I'm bringing home a baby grizzly bear,
Won't my mama pull out all her hair!
I'm bringing home a baby grizzly bear,
Growl, growl, growl, growl, growl!
Oh, oh! He looks hungry!
I'm bringing home a baby dinosaur,
Won't my mama give a mighty roar!
I'm bringing home a baby dinosaur,
Run Away!
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