music, poetry, numeracy, and active play.

Book: Noodles (Pop-Up) – Sarah Weeks
Song: “Ravioli” (lyrics for this and other songs below)
Book (older kids): Spaghetti Eddie – Ryan SanAngelo (Eddie finds many clever ways to use his noodles to help his neighbors) – omitted 2017, needed time for craft
Poem: "Spaghetti, Spaghetti" by Jack Prelutsky in the collection Sunflakes – poems selected by Lilian Moore
Flannel/Song: “On Top of Spaghetti” (This is an easy flannel to make -- I used yellow yarn hot-glued on a flannel plate, and added googly eyes on my "meatball")
Book: Hi, Pizza Man – Virginia Walter (Mother and young child bored with waiting for the Pizza Man play a fun game imagining which animals might deliver the pie.)
Flannel/Song: P-I-Z-Z-A! (lyrics below) – letter identification, numeracy via clapping & numeral cards
Book (if time): Pizza at Sally’s – Sally Wellington or Little Red Hen Makes a Pizza – Philemon Sturges (folk tale variant) – omitted 2017, needed time for craft
Action song: “This is the way we…to make our pizza pie” (lyrics below)
Pizza Pat – Pat Gelman (cumulative tale of a pizza maker with a surprise ending)
Flannel/Song: “I Am a Pizza” from Linda Arnold’s Peppermint Wings (also on 10 Carrot Diamond.) (lyrics below)
DVD/Video: Pete’s a Pizza (Wkrm) GREAT! Also on PPR DVD Family Stories (at WTL) (acted out making a kid pizza afterwards!)
Alt: Reading Rainbow: Little Nino’s Pizzeria (Lamar making dough before/after)
Craft 2017: Make a paper plate pizza with real or fanciful toppings – optional, cut the “pizza” to get an intuitive introduction to fractions…
Hand-stamping Music: “I am a pizza” track #3 from Linda Arnold’s Peppermint Wings (also on 10 Carrot Diamond.)
Display Additional Books: Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore – McPhail (saved for messes) or Little Nino’s Pizzeria – Barbour, Pizza by Frank Asch, books on making pizza & bread .
Song lyrics:
"I Am A Pizza" (tune on Linda Arnold's "Peppermint Wings" -- makes a great flannel board. (It works well as an echo & response song (you sing then audience repeats line) If you don't have the album, feel free to give me a call and I'll sing it for you.)
I am a pizza … (audience) I am a pizza (place flannel “tomato/cheese pizza” on board)
With extra cheese… with extra cheese
From tomatoes… From tomatoes…
Sauce is squeezed… Sauce is squeezed…
Onions and Mushrooms… Onions and Mushrooms… (add flannel onions/mushrooms)
I am a pizza … I am a pizza
Ready to go!
I am a pizza… I am a pizza…
Pepperoni… Pepperoni… (add flannel “pepperoni”)
No Anchovies… No Anchovies…
Or phony balogne… Or phony balogne…
I am a pizza… I am a pizza…
Order by phone… Order by phone… (flannel phone receiver or just use hand motion)
I am a pizza… I am a pizza…
Please take me home.
I am a pizza… I am a pizza…
Peppers on the top… Peppers on the top… (add flannel “peppers”)
Out of the oven… Out of the oven…
And into a box… And into a box… (cover with square flannel “pizza box” )
Into the car… Into the car…
Upside down… Upside down… (groan)
I am a pizza… I am a pizza…
Dropped on the ground.
I was a pizza… I was a pizza…
I was the BEST… I was the BEST…
I was a pizza… I was a pizza…
NOW I’M A MESS! (flip over “pizza box” to reveal a flannel “scrambled up pizza”!)
Another fun song (from the book "Second Helpings"):
P-I-Z-Z-A (tune: BINGO) (flannelboard has a pizza divided into 5 pieces, I like to use numeral cards with this as well.)
I had a pizza all my own
And all of it was mine-O.
And all of it was mine-O!
I had a pizza that I shared
One piece went to my brother.
But all the rest was mine-O!
(continue with sister, mother, father...)
I had a pizza that I shared
One piece is all I'm left-O.
(clap, clap, clap, clap, clap),
(clap, clap, clap, clap, clap),
(clap, clap, clap, clap, clap),
And now that piece is gone-O!
"Ravioli" (tune: Alouette)--great movement song
Ravioli, ravioli, ravioli--
Ravioli, that's the stuff for me.
Do you have it on your pants?
Yes I have it on my pants.
On your pants? On my pants. Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Ravioli, ravioli, ravioli--
Ravioli, that's the stuff for me.
Ravioli, ravioli, ravioli--
Ravioli, that's the stuff for me.
Do you have it on your sleeve?
Yes I have it on my sleeve.
On your sleeve? On my sleeve.
On your pants? On my pants. Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Ravioli, ravioli, ravioli--
Ravioli, that's the stuff for me.
Do you have it on your shoe?… (chin, hair, nose, ear, etc. -- continue on
a round the body tour...)
"On Top Of Spaghetti" (Tune: "On Top of Old Smokey")
(Another great flannelboard)
On top of spaghetti, all covered with cheese,
I lost my poor meatball, when somebody sneezed.
It rolled off the table, and onto the floor,
and then my poor meatball rolled out the door.
It rolled in the garden, and under a bush,
and then my poor meatball, was nothing but mush.
The mush was as tasty, as tasty could be,
and early next summer, it grew into a tree.
The tree was all covered, with beautiful moss,
It grew lovely meatball, and tomato sauce.
So if you eat spaghetti, all covered with cheese,
hold on to your meatballs, and don't ever sneeze!
“This is the Way…to Make Our Pizza Pie” (Tune: “Mulberry Bush”)
This is the way we mix the dough, mix the dough, mix the dough
This is the way we mix the dough to make our pizza pie.
…pound & knead…
…twirl the dough around…
…stretch the crust in the pan…
…spread the sauce…
…sprinkle the cheese…
…bake the pie…
…slice the pie…
…gobble it down…we’ve made a pizza pie!
BWL 2.12, 3.15, 3.16, 3/17 (story/craft)
St. Bernards 3.16
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