All the Water in the World
K-3rd grade
"Un-Common Core" Celebrating the value of water.
Includes a lyrical introduction to the water cycle, how people use water all over the world, plus an introduction to oceans, ocean life and photosynthesis,
and conservation advocate Jacques Cousteau
"Un-Common Core" Celebrating the value of water.
Includes a lyrical introduction to the water cycle, how people use water all over the world, plus an introduction to oceans, ocean life and photosynthesis,
and conservation advocate Jacques Cousteau
Book: All the Water in the World –Lyon (“…is all the water in the world” – interconnected water cycle, beautiful writing and illustrations)
Book: A Cool Drink of Water – 363.4 KERLEY (“water from all over the world” -- pictures from all over the world, talked about National Geographic, pointed map/details in back of book, booktalked Barbara Kerley’s other titles)
Book: Into the A, B, Sea – Rose (“3/4 of world’s water in the oceans” -- pointed out characteristic paper collage pictures by Steve Jenkins, more details in back of book)
Kdg only: Singable book: Somewhere in the Ocean – Ward (alternative: Over in the Ocean – Berkes)

Book: Ocean Sunlight: How Tiny Plants Feed the Seas – 571.455 BANG (fascinating look at the ocean life cycle, photosynthesis, narrated by the sun!)
Booktalked: Down, Down, Down: A Journey to the Bottom of the Sea – 591.779 JENKINS
Book: The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau (K-1) or Manfish (2-3rd) (JBiog. Cousteau) (“Speaking of looking under the seas -- Jacques Cousteau great underwater explorer. Shared pictures from Jacques Cousteau: Conserving Underwater Worlds)
website to view:
Book: One Less Fish – Toft (conservation countdown)
Booktalked “fantasea” : Flotsam – Wiesner (had read before)
No time for: Out of the Ocean - Frasier
Bedm. 5/13
Other wonderful books on water (used in previous years):
Water (poem) from Splish Splash 811.54 GRA (some)
or Walter & the Waiter (poem) from Orangatan Tongs 793.735 AGEE (some)
Flotsam -- Wiesner (more fantasy, author from Bridgewater, vacationed on Long Beach Island – setting for this story)
My Life with the Wave -- Cowen (wonderful examples of literary devices)
(related to book read earlier: Sector 7 -- Wiesner)
Flotsam -- Wiesner
Water Dance -- Locker (artistic poetic riddle non-fiction on the water
A Cool Drink of Water -- 363.61 KER (gorgeous and eye-opening National
Geographic book about drinking water around the world)
K-2 only: Mrs. Armitage and the Big Wave -- Blake (illus. of Roald Dahl
The Old Woman and the Wave -- Jackson (modern fairy tale, more literary
3-4 only: The Girl on the High Diving Horse: An Adventure in Atlantic
City -- High (fascinating look at this little-known bit of history)
Out of the Ocean -- Frasier (seeing)
3-4 only: The Wretched Stone -- Van Allsburg
K-2 only: The Pebble -- Milord
Poem: "Mine" from Sunflakes (optional flannel)
Action Song: She Waded in the Water
Flannel Song: There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
Additional possibilities:Additional books to use 2016?
Water is Water – Miranda Paul 551.48 PAU
Float – Daniel Miyares
Raindrops Roll – April Pulley Sayre 551.48 SAY
Ocean Hide & Seek -- Jennifer Kramer
Other wonderful books on water (used in previous years):
Water (poem) from Splish Splash 811.54 GRA (some)
or Walter & the Waiter (poem) from Orangatan Tongs 793.735 AGEE (some)
A Cool Drink of Water -- 363.61 KER (gorgeous and eye-opening National Geographic book about drinking water around the world)
My Life with the Wave -- Cowen (wonderful fantasy with examples of literary devices, suggested kids could write sequel & related to another book Sector 7 -- Wiesner)
Activity: Audio Rainstorm (rub hands, snap fingers, slap thighs, clap hands, stamp feet, reverse…)
Flotsam -- Wiesner (more fantasy, author from Bridgewater, vacationed on Long Beach Island – setting for this story)
Imagine a Day – Gonsalves (fantasy paintings inspired these imaginative poems)
Reader’s Theater: The Three Pirates & the Big Bad Shark (Reader's Theater script attached) or another water-related Reader's Theater - no time to do it today - note typo in the author's name - it is by Jane Yolen
promo for Summer Reading...
Into the A, B, Sea – Rose (some) Booktalked: Down, Down Down – 591.779 JEN (fascinating look at sea creatures as you go deeper and deeper - related to Summer Reading theme and the Gulf oil spill environmental consequences (3rd-4th g))
Song/Action: Baby Shark (on Mike Whitla’s Early Morning Knee-Slappin’ Tunes – “less happy ending” --
Water & Waves
Here are the books I used -- what great listeners --
look at the length of the list!
Waves & Water -- Bedm. 5/29/08
look at the length of the list!
Waves & Water -- Bedm. 5/29/08
My Life with the Wave -- Cowen (wonderful examples of literary devices)
(related to book read earlier: Sector 7 -- Wiesner)
Flotsam -- Wiesner
Water Dance -- Locker (artistic poetic riddle non-fiction on the water
A Cool Drink of Water -- 363.61 KER (gorgeous and eye-opening National
Geographic book about drinking water around the world)
K-2 only: Mrs. Armitage and the Big Wave -- Blake (illus. of Roald Dahl
The Old Woman and the Wave -- Jackson (modern fairy tale, more literary
3-4 only: The Girl on the High Diving Horse: An Adventure in Atlantic
City -- High (fascinating look at this little-known bit of history)
Out of the Ocean -- Frasier (seeing)
3-4 only: The Wretched Stone -- Van Allsburg
K-2 only: The Pebble -- Milord
Poem: "Mine" from Sunflakes (optional flannel)
Action Song: She Waded in the Water
Flannel Song: There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
Additional possibilities:
Water is Water – Miranda Paul 551.48 PAU
Float – Daniel Miyares
Raindrops Roll – April Pulley Sayre 551.48 SAY
Ocean Hide & Seek -- Jennifer Kramer
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