Book: Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport (beautifully illustrated short biography complemented by MLK quotes)
Song: “Martin Luther King” (to “BINGO”) Song Lyrics: http://tinyurl.com/singalong-black-history-month
Book: The Other Side -- Jacqueline Woodson (fictional account of how two girls, one white and one black, gradually get to know each other as they sit on the fence that divides their town.) Alternatives: Sister Anne's Hands --MaryBeth Lorbiecki – (Seven-year-old Anna has her first encounter with racism in the 1960s when an African American nun comes to teach at her parochial school) or Freedom Summer – Deborah Wiles (In 1964, Joe is pleased that a new law will allow his best friend John Henry, who is colored, to share the town pool and other public places with him, but he is dismayed to find that prejudice still exists.) or Goin’ Someplace Special – McKissick
Song: “Martin Luther King had a dream” or “Black And White”
Read Sit In: How Four Friends Stood Up by Sitting Down by Andrea Davis Pinkney 323.1196 PIN – Splendid writing filled with food metaphors telling the story of the 4 college students who inspired a movement with their patient wait at a Woolworth’s lunch counter for their order of “doughnuts & coffee & cream on the side.” (With some classes, sang “We Shall Overcome” when the protagonists are singing in jail; other classes sang this after We March(below)) Emphasized the line on the SNCC page: “We are all leaders” – asked did it mean only grown-ups? Whether age7, 17, 47, or 107, if they see something not right in the way we treat people, animals, environment or anything in our world, they can work to change it…
Read This is the Dream by Diane Z. Shore and Jessica Alexander – summarizes in verse and magnificent paintings by James Ransome segregated America and the changes brought by activists and the resulting civil rights legislation. or
(unavailable 2019) Be A King: Dr. Martin Luther King's Jr.'s Dream and You by Carol Boston Weatherford, illustrated by James E. Ransom -- urges kids to emulate MLK telling kids "You can be a King" in their own lives -- fighting bigotry, feeling empathy, banding together against bullies, stamping down hatred, seeking justice, walking tall, having a dream "great enough to grow into," closes with "Set your sights on the mountaintop. Climb a little higher every day."
Some classes: departed singing “We Shall Overcome”
1/2019 Bedm. See also: School Age Storytimes: Black History Month
Check out her blog post (link above) to see her suggestions on how kids can make a difference.
Booktalked: I Have a Dream J305.896 KIN
Other titles to consider:
Rosa's Bus: The Ride to Civil Rights -- Jo S. Kittinger or Rosa –Nikki Giovanni -- excellent versions of Rosa Parks’ story
These Hands -- Margaret H Mason
Giant Steps to Change the World - Spike & Tonya Lewis LeeGranddaddy’s Gift by Margaree King Mitchell. (In 1965, a law was passed saying Black people must be allowed to vote, but white people in Southern states tried to make it very difficult.)

Book: Abe's Honest Words: The Life of Abraham Lincoln by Doreen Rappaport (lots of good writing here, and food for thought)
Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation & the passage of the 13th amendment freed the slaves in 1865, but a hundred years later black people still didn't have the same rights as white people even when I (Carol) was their age -- segregation/discrimination-schools, restaurants, buses, water fountains, voting -- until Dr. Martin Luther King & many brave people staged non-violent demonstations. (Younger classes sang "Martin Luther King" before we read the next book)
Book: Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport
Stretch -- song "We Shall Overcome" In 1965, a law was passed saying Black people must be allowed to vote, but white people in Southern states tried to make it very difficult (tests, threats) -- Booktalked Granddaddy's Gift by Margaree King Mitchell.
Look how far we've come. Today, 40 years later, we are 12 days away from the inauguration of a new President -- from Illinois like Lincoln, black like Martin Luther King: Book: Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope by Nikki Grimes (poet -- wonderful figurative language) (I only read the main story not the secondary one.)
At the core of all three books was each man's passion for education and for making the world a better place through his actions.
Bedminster 2/2019 Opened by talking about slavery, a very mean and sad part of our history... and how some people were very brave and worked to change things...
ReplyDeleteHarriet Tubman (Little People, Big Dreams) -- Ma Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Song: Harriet Tubman
booktalked: Follow the Drinking Gourd -- Jeannette Winter & Henry's Freedom Box -- Ellen Levine
mentioned & left lyrics for song: Follow the Drinking Gourd (lyrics for this and other songs here)
Nobody Owns the Sky -- Reeve Lindbergh (<--Lindbergh's youngest daughter, Brave Bessie Coleman went all the way to France in order to learn to be a pilot after no American aviation school would teach a black person)
Song: Black and White
Sister Anne's Hands -- Marybeth Lorbiecki (a black teacher comes to an all-white school in the South)
booktalked: Freedom Summer -- Deborah Wiles
These Hands -- Margaret H Mason (told abridged version -- a grandfather tells how his hands could tie knots, play piano, do fancy card tricks and hit a baseball but weren't allowed to touch the bread dough at the Wonderbread factory -- and how, by marching, etc, blacks got their rights.)
booktalked We March -- Shane W. Evans and I have a Dream -- Martin Luther King (Kadir Nelson's magnificent illustrations)
Singable book: He's Got the Whole World in His Hands -- Kadir Nelson
Back of the Bus -- Aaron Reynolds (told abridged version -- wonderful child-centered account of Rosa's resistance) I am Rosa Parks by Brad Meltzer didn't arrive in time, may use next year
Show Way -- Jacqueline Woodson (seven generations in a family -- some classes) or
Giant Steps to Change the World -- Spike & Tonya Lewis Lee
Closed with singable book: This Little Light of Mine -- E. B. Lewis