Book: Thunder Cake – Patricia Polacco – Based on a true story from the author’s childhood (we discussed autobiography & personal narratives) in which the author’s grandma (Babushka) helped her overcome her fear of thunderstorms by having her gather the ingredients for a “thunder cake.”
Action: Make a Rainstorm – directions here: http://carolsimonlevin.blogspot.com/2013/12/pre-school-storytime-its-raining-its.html
Special inclusion today because of Nelson Mandela: “Sometimes it isn’t only nature that can make a thunderstorm of change, sometimes people do it too..” Book: Nelson Mandela – Kadir Nelson)—omitted some of the other titles below to make time for this.
Book: Bunny Cakes – Rosemary Wells (K-1st): Funny story and great example of Every Child Ready to Read skill “writing”) or Cook-a-Doodle-Doo! – (1st-4th) Amusing variant of The Little Red Hen -- when Rooster sets out to cook strawberry shortcake, his friends are eager to help but they fill the kitchen with cooking confusion. A great introduction to cooking terminology and measurement with non-fiction notes on the side. (If children aren’t already familiar with the folktale upon which this story is based, Jerry Pinckney, Byron Barton and Paul Galdone all offer nice versions.)
(K-1st) If adding folktale The Little Red Hen (any traditional version) could add “Mulberry Bush” variant song: This is the way we plant the seeds... Cut the stalks… Thresh the wheat.. Grind the wheat… Mix the batter…Knead the bread… Bake the bread… Eat our toast (ECRR1- narrative -- remembering sequence in book, vocabulary “thresh” “knead”; ECRR2 “singing”)
Song/Flannel: Helping (K-1) by Shel Silverstein from Free to Be, You and Me. Lyrics & tune: http://singbookswithemily.wordpress.com/2013/08/08/helping-an-illustrated-song-by-shel-silverstein/
Storytelling with Flannelboard/Masks/Puppets (depending on size of group): The Gingerbread Man –Karen Chace has quite a few suggestions on her blog, including a link to Jan Brett’s beautiful printable masks:http://karenchace.blogspot.com/2012/11/the-gingerbread-man-stories-songs-and.html or The Cazuela that the Farm Maiden Stirred – Samantha Vamos (Spanish/English cooperation story –fun to act out with masks or puppets.)
Book & Flannel or Props: The Doorbell Rang – Pat Hutchins (K-1st): Used12 flannel (or real) children and 12 flanne/prop cookies to demonstrate the cookie “division” as I read this story – great numeracy exercise.
Optional Book or Flannel (if time): The Cake that Mack Ate – from the book by Rose Robart – the cumulative tale of what happened to the cake baked by the farmer’s wife – with a surprise ending, this silly folktale variation is a version of The House that Jack Built.
The Cake That Mack Ate (suggested flannel pieces above -- egg is missing from scan)
- This is the CAKE that Mack Ate.
- This is the EGG that went into the CAKE that Mack Ate.
- This is the HEN that laid the EGG, that went into the CAKE that Mack Ate.
- This is the CORN that fed the HEN that laid the EGG, that went into the CAKE that Mack Ate.
- This is the SEED that grew into CORN, that fed the HEN that laid the EGG, that went into the CAKE that Mack Ate.
- This is the FARMER who planted the SEED that grew into CORN, that fed the HEN that laid the EGG, that went into the CAKE that Mack Ate.
- This the WOMAN who married the FARMER who planted the SEED that grew into CORN, that fed the HEN that laid the EGG, that went into the CAKE that Mack Ate.
- These are the CANDLES that lit up the CAKE, that was made by the WOMAN who married the FARMER who planted the SEED that grew into CORN, that fed the HEN that laid the EGG, that went into the CAKE that Mack Ate.
- This is MACK...
- He ate the CAKE!
Book (seasonal selection): December – Eve Bunting -- A mother and son living in a cardboard box share what they have with an old woman one Christmas Eve and find that their luck changes afterward or anytime title Wild Boars Cook – Meg Rosoff Bossy, selfish, stinky, and hungry boars whip up a messy massive pudding in this hilarious book.
Additional possibilities: Bread, Bread, Bread – Ann Morris or Everybody Bakes Bread – Norah Dooley (both provide a multicultural look at breads around the world), How to Bake an Apple Pie and See the World – Marjorie Priceman (also available as a DVD), Clever Jack Takes the Cake-- Candice Fleming, Don’t Forget – Patricia Lakin (4th grade up )while buying ingredients for her mother’s birthday cake, Sarah learns the meaning of the blue numbers tattooed on the shopkeeper’s arm.
Encourage bread baking at home with this handout :
Other possibilities:
Peanut Butter & Cupcake by Terry Border
Lady Pancake & SIr French Toast by Josh Fink
Tough Cookie by David Wisniewski
Nanette’s Bagette by Mo Willems
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