(Note: this program also works well with kindergarten & first graders)
Music playing as kids arrive: Laurie Berkner’s album “Whaddaya Think of That”
Book: The Odd Egg – Emily Gravett (all ages --award winning, surprise ending -- make sure kids know what "odd" means)
Puppet(Alligator) Action Song: I’m being Swallowed by a Big Alligator…(Explained concept of “piggy-back” song, my variation of “I’m being Swallowed by a Boa Constrictor.” Phonemic awareness/have children supply rhyming body part…)
I’m being Swallowed by a Big Alligator, Big Alligator, Big Alligator
I’m being Swallowed by a Big Alligator and I don’t like it very very much!
Oh no, he’s swallowed my… (point & wait)… toe.
Oh rankle, he’s swallowed my… (point & wait)… ankle
Oh fee, he’s swallowed my… (point & wait)… knee.
Oh sigh, he’s up to my… (point & wait)… thigh.
Oh fiddle, he’s reached my… (point & wait)… middle.
Oh heck, he’s swallowed my… (point & wait)… neck.
Oh dread, he’s swallowed my… (cover face, gulp, silence)!
Book: An Egg is Quiet – 591.468 Ashton (some groups – have to chose between this and the Eggbert set, or booktalk it after the Posada title)
Song/Puppets: “Cluck Cluck Red Hen” (lyrics below)
Interactive Book (Non-Fiction): Guess what is growing inside this egg – 591.468 Posada (With older groups, I just read the rhymes and have them guess before showing the pictures to help the kids work on their listening skills.)
Book (younger groups): The Chick and the Duckling – Mirra Ginsburg (chick discovers she doesn't always have to do what duckling does)
Book (older groups): P. Zonka Lays an Egg -- Julie Paschkis (new 2015, a wonderful book about an unusual chicken who notices the world around her and finally lays an extraordinary egg), or Eggbert, The Slightly Cracked Egg – Tom Ross (Eggbert discovers it is ok to be different) or Hunwick's Egg – Mem Fox (Hunwick finds he still loves his mysterious egg even after discovering it isn't an egg at all) – skipped, no time
Action Song (younger groups) (Chick/Egg Puppet): I’m a Little Chicken by Susan Peters (tune “I’m a Little Teapot”, children doing action with fist wrapped around finger that “pops out.”))
I’m a little chicken,
Ready to hatch,
Pecking at my shell,
Scratch Scratch Scratch.
When I crack it open, out I’ll leap,
Fluff up my feathers and cheep, cheep, cheep!
Flannel: Humpty Dumpty (classic nursery rhyme, since it is a “downer” I like to conclude with a silly variation: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, eating black bananas. Where do you think he put the skins? Down the king’s pajamas!” –speaking of scrambled eggs…)
Poem: "Spring Is" by Bobbi Katz from Sunflakes: Poems for Children selected by Lilian Moore (wonderful image -- poet suggests that daffodils are scrambled eggs that have jumped off the plate)
(also shared poem "Sunflakes" by Frank Asch with some groups -- and talked about our forthcoming Poetry Treasure Hunt http://carolsimonlevin.blogspot.com/2014/03/national-poetry-monthpoetry-treasure.html)
Book: Eggs on Your Nose – Ann McGovern (silly book about a very messy eater)
Song: Eggs Upon Me by Carol Simon Levin (“piggy back” version of the classic camp tune “Ravioli”, great for learning body part names)
Chorus: Eggs upon me, eggs, oh, eggs upon me
Eggs upon me, what’s a kid to do?
Do you have them on your head?
Yes I have them on my head!
On your head, on my head…oh oh oh oh… Chorus
Continue with: Do you have them down your chin…on your shirt.. in your lap… on your shoes… in your hair, etc.
Interactive storytelling: Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs & Ham I hand out picture/word cards to the kids for all the places the green eggs & ham are refused (here, there, house, mouse, box, fox, car, tree, train, dark (or use flashlight), rain (or use umbrella), goat, boat) and have extra laminated green eggs & ham pieces so everyone in the room can have a part. If you have another adult you can use laminated neck cards with pictures of Sam-I-Am and the friend (picky eater) -- Script here: http://files.havefunteaching.com/fun-activities/readers-theater/green-eggs-and-ham.pdf or you can read the book aloud and have kids hold up the cards as the words are read. The kids holding green eggs & hams are the enthusiastic chorus waving them about… and everyone chimes in on “I will not eat them anywhere!” (skipped in 2016)

2017: did this plus binoculars toilet paper roll craft (2 toilet paper rolls, paper, decorations, tape, gluesticks, hole punches, yarn)
Book (Non-Fiction): Except If -- Jim Averbeck, booktalk: Chickens Aren’t the Only Ones – Ruth Heller (also available as Reading Rainbow DVD, but narrator is slow and I feel it works better as a book because reader can work interactively with children.)
Can reinforce concept of animals besides birds who lay eggs with Shakey Eggs Game: Who Lays Eggs?
1. Give each child a shaker egg
2. Hold up a stuffed animal– if the animal lays eggs, have the kids hold up their eggs; if it does not, have them hold eggs behind their backs.
3. Start with easy animals & then do less obvious (insects, reptiles, snakes, dinos)
Active Play with eggs: follow the directions in Laurie Berkner's song "I know a Chicken" on her "Whaddaya Think of That?" CD.
DVD: “Max’s Chocolate Chicken” from The Rosemary Wells Library (Weston Woods, PPR) or Reading Rainbow: Rechenka’s Eggs (older groups) 2016 or The Emperor’s Egg
Other lovely titles for school age groups:
Just Plain Fancy -- Patricia Polacco
Rachenka's Eggs -- Patricia Polacco
Horton Hatches the Egg -- Dr. Seuss
Eggs Mark the Spot – Auch
Eggday – Dunbar
What's in the Egg Little Pip? -- Wilson
Humpty Dumpty – Kirk
When Blue Met Egg -- Ward
The Cow That Laid an Egg -- Cutbill
Hurry, Hurry -- Bunting
Hank Finds an Egg -- Dudley
Puppets/Song: Cluck Cluck Red Hen (Lyrics by Raffi, Tune: "Baa Baa Black Sheep" Song on Raffi's album "The Corner Grocery Store.")
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.
One for your sweater and one for your rug,
And one for your blanket to keep you warm and snug. (repeat first two lines)
Cluck, Cluck, Red Hen, have you any eggs?
Yes sir, yes sir, as many as your legs.
One for your breakfast and one for your lunch,
Come back tomorrow, I'll have another bunch.(repeat first two lines)
Moo, Moo, Brown Cow, have you milk for me?
Yes sir, yes sir, as tasty as can be.
Churn it into butter, make it into cheese,
Freeze it into ice-cream or drink it if you please.(repeat first two lines)
Buzz, Buzz, Busy Bee, is your honey sweet?
Yes sir, yes sir, sweet enough to eat.
Honey on your muffin, honey on your cake,
Honey by the spoonful, as much as I can make.(repeat first two lines)
3.13, 3.14. 3.15 3.16, 3.17 (also PJ Time)
3.14 St.B
3.14 Bedm
Egg: Nature's Perfect Package -- by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page -- great discussion, further ideas, and interview with the author/illustrator: http://www.smartbooksforsmartkids.com/natures-perfect-package-egg/. Good for school age.
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