What's in
a Name?
School Age Storytime (K-4th)
include world languages, vocabulary development,
aging, empathy, classic stories & imagination
Book: Matthew
-- Peter Catalanotto (class chock full of
Matthews introduces interesting vocabulary e.g. "affectionate,"
"incognito," and "perpetually perplexed!")
Polled group "Who
speaks another language at home?"
Book: My
Name is Yoon
-- Helen Recorvits (Korean girl moving to
America adapting to new school & language)
Game Book: Mr. Putney's Quacking Dog -- Jon Agee (children guess the composite names formed by mixing an animal with an
object e.g. "alarmadillo" -- used a few of these puzzles between each
book read -- great for imagination and vocabulary development)
Folk Tale Book: Tikki Tikki Tembo -- Arlene Mosel (children loved chantable portion -- listening skills, music)- unavailable 2018 used Horace & Morris & Mostly Dolores - James Howe with first graders instead.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt (classic
folk song -- clapping rhythm reduction -- each time through clap an additional
line in rhythm instead of saying the words -- building listening skills)
"someone else
with 4 names:"
Book: Wilfrid
Gordon McDonald Partridge - Mem Fox (A small
boy discovers the meaning of memory to help an elderly friend who is losing
hers -- gorgeous book on aging and empathy.)
(1st grade – 2018) My Name is Sangoel -- Karen Lynn Williams (Refugee boy from Sudan comes up with a clever way to help his classmates remember his unusual name) (Both books on the immigrant experience help build empathy in American-born children.)
Activity suggestion – have kids make their own picture puzzles from their names – as was done in Mr. Putney’s Quacking Dog & My Name is Sangoel – a great way to learn and remember each other’s names.
Additional book possibilities:
Chrysanthemum - Kevin Henkes, , Cleversticks - Bernard Ashley, story "Too Many Daves" from The Sneetches -- Dr. Seuss, Silly Sally - Wood, Neville -- Norton Juster, There Once Was a Man Named Michael Finnegan -- Mary Ann Hoberman (singable), Spork -- Kyo Maclear, A Porcupine Named Fluffy -- Helen Lester, Waggle --Sarah McMenemy, A is for Musk Oxen -- Erin Cabatingan
Chrysanthemum - Kevin Henkes, , Cleversticks - Bernard Ashley, story "Too Many Daves" from The Sneetches -- Dr. Seuss, Silly Sally - Wood, Neville -- Norton Juster, There Once Was a Man Named Michael Finnegan -- Mary Ann Hoberman (singable), Spork -- Kyo Maclear, A Porcupine Named Fluffy -- Helen Lester, Waggle --Sarah McMenemy,
Rumpelstiltskin - Paul Zelinsky (booktalk: Rumpelstiltskin's Daughter - Diane Stanley -- Common Core: comparing versions of a story) – 2018 – will save for another program,
Flannel song possibilities: BINGO, Aikendrum -- Raffi
Additional music: "The Name Game"
from A Child's Celebration of Rock &
Bedm. 9/2013, 9/2018
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