School Age S.T.E.A.M. Storytime & Craft: Valentine's Day & Friendship
Wednesday February 5th 4:30-5:30 p.m.
(geared to ages 5-9, but older/younger siblings are welcomed - most of the kids were between 3 & 6 today)
Join us as we share stories about kindness, then create geometric cut paper valentines for our friends and family members.
Opened with a book about a shadow friend (a nod to this week's Groundhog's Day)
Read: I have a Friend by Keiko Narahashi (great figurative language)
(Science snippet: talk about when shadows are short and long -- midday & ends of day because of the position of the sun.)
Action Song: I Am Your Shadow by Carol Simon Levin (Tune: “I'm A Little Teapot”)
I am your shadow, short and fat,
Lift up your hand, I can do that,
Lift up your foot, I'll do that too,
I do anything that you do.
I am your shadow, long and thin,
Put your finger to your chin,
Then watch me, I do that too,
I do anything that you do!
More Shadow Songs & Stories here:
Book: The Other Side -- Jacqueline Woodson -- the story of two girls, one black and one white, who overcame segregation (represented by a dividing fence in their town) to cleverly find a way to play together.
Group today was too young for Sister Anne’s Hands – Marybeth Lorbiecki – Beautifully-written & illustrated story of a black nun who comes to all-white school to teach – history, heart, and humor – including counting buttons on underwear! For more funky math problems, check out the website Includes handprint art project:
Book/Song: This Little Light of Mine illustrated by E.B. Lewis – with hand motions
More Black History Month ideas;
Book: My Friend Rabbit – Eric Rohmann (Caldecott Winner - talked about the award, author/illustrator definition) sometimes friends drive us crazy! - kids loved this silly book
Book: My Heart is Like a Zoo by Michael Hall --> Valentine crafts
(supplies: construction paper, children's scissors, hole punches, glue sticks, markers)
More Valentine's Day ideas:
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