
Sunday, April 4, 2021

Family Literacy Night - Superheroes are Everywhere (Virtual for Washington Elementary, Roselle)

Introduced myself as portraying Alice Paul, NJ Suffragist who had picketed the White House and even been imprisoned for demanding that women have the right to vote. 

Read Fight of the Century: Alice Paul Battles Woodrow Wilson for the Vote by Barb Rosenstock, the brand new book that depicts their struggle of wills in the fight to win the vote for women.

Talked about women finally getting the right to vote 100 years ago and that thousands of women (and men) worked for many years for women's suffrage. Shared the info and coloring page on Alice Paul from Remembering the Ladies: From Patriots in Petticoats to Presidential Candidates which profiles 69 women of all colors and creeds who worked for women's rights in this country. E-book available free of charge at my webpage

Mentioned we now for the first time in our history have a woman Vice-President - Kamala Harris!

Shared her book Superheroes are Everywhere which shows how our own family and friends can be superheroes...and we can be too!  We read the "superhero Pledge" together. Asked them about superheroes in their own lives.  

Booktalked and shared selections from Barack Obama's inspirational Of Thee I Sing.

Finished by sharing the Schoolhouse Rock video "
Suffering Till Suffrage"


  1. Change Sings: A Children's Anthem by Amanda Gorman

  2. An Equal Shot: How the Law Title IX Changed America
    by Helaine Becker
