
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Photographic Permissions and Farewell Party

As many of you are aware, I am no longer working for the Somerset County Library System Bridgewater Library.

imageThis week I was sent a “cease and desist” letter from the library attorney informing me that all pictures that were taken by library personnel and downloaded on library computers were copyright the library and ordering me to remove them immediately. Accordingly, I am in the process of taking down many of my older pictures that were taken with library cameras -- so if you want access, you will need to make copies quickly. The photos that will remain were taken with my cell phone camera or the cell phones belonging to some of you. If there are any pictures of your children that you do not want me to continue to display on this site, please email me at cslevin59 (at) with photo details & the date of the post(s) and I will remove them forthwith.

I also want to invite all of you to my retirement party at the Bridgewater Library on Sunday February 11th. You and your children are welcome to drop into the program rooms anytime between 2 and 4 p.m. to say goodbye.

All the best,  Carol Simon Levin

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

School Age Storytime: Snow Day!


Read: Snow by Uri Shulewitz (discussed Caldecott Medal – what it means, my plan to return in early February to run a Mock Caldecott with them)

Younger classes: Do the motions to “When It’s Cold Outside” an Elvis-inspired song from Pick Me Up! Fun Songs for Learning Signs

Acted Out: The Mitten by Jan Brett (did with a large tablecloth mitten & sign/masks from details:

  • Talked about folktale (story retold over generations/centuries (define), then read Jan Brett’s  book with kids holding tablecloth and masks from at the “aachoo”, I grabbed the tablecloth and the kids scattered. Another possibility is to have two kids (or grown ups) hold hands and become each side of the mitten, then let the kids crowd in between. (from

Frosty the Snowman

Singable Book: Frosty
Booktalked: Snowmen at Night – Caralyn Buehner (mentioned hidden pictures), Raymond Brigg’s The Snowman (wonderful video available on Youtube)


Snowflake Bentley

Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin, illustrated by Mary Azarian (talked about Caldecott Gold woodcut illustrations, true book – would find in the Biography (bio=life, graphy =writing,stories section)


Activity: Snowball fight using plastic bag snowballs, to the music “Sleigh Ride” by Leroy Anderson (on album Season’s Greetings)
Making snowballs:
1) Gather a white plastic grocery bag into a long, skinny tube-like length with the handles on one end.
2) Fold the length in half, then in half again.
3) Wind a rubber band around the middle until it is tight.
4) Cut open both ends to remove any folded areas.
5) Then fluff out pieces
Idea courtesy of:  Susan Dailey, librarian, speaker and author of "A Storytime Year"

Singable/flannel:In the Freezer” by Joe Scruggs – lyrics here.

Action Song: “I’m a Little Snowman”

I’m a Little Snowman Tune: “I’m a Little Teapot”
I’m a little snowman, short and fat
Here is my broomstick, here is my hat
When the sun comes out, I’ll melt away
Drip, drip, drip, I’m a puddle today!

Craft (for afterschool sites): Cut out paper snowflakes (could use large tissue paper) (booktalked Snowflake Bentley – another Caldecott)
Other possibilities: If Picasso Painted a Snowman by Amy & Greg Newbold (would be fun to create artist-inspired snow people)

Snow creatures (inspired by Ehlert’s book) – Materials: White & colored construction paper, markers, scissors, glue, pompoms, buttons, feathers, etc.

JFK --Did puppet version of Trouble with Trolls by Jan Brett (a bit hard to do all the pieces - slow to take off parts), didn't have time for The Mitten.

More ideas:,

1/18 Bedm, Afterschools: VH, JFK, Whiton,  BG