
Monday, July 6, 2015

A Whale of a Summer Singalong


Open with the Beatles: “We All Live in a Yellow Submarine” from album of the same name and/or Tom Chapin’s “Sing a Whale Song” from his album Moonboat or “When I See An Elephant Fly” from“Giggling & Laughing”

You’ll Sing A Song by Ella Jenkins (action)
Song on: Raffi’s “The Corner Grocery Store”
You’ll sing a song and I’ll sing a song
And we’ll sing a song together.
You’ll sing a song and I’ll sing a song
In warm or wintry weather.
Continue with: clap your hands, stomp your feet, dance a jig, flap your arms… sit right down

Go to the Beach -- sign language song from “Pick Me Up”

There's A Little White Duck (book or flannel)

Song on Raffi’s “Everything Grows”
There's a little white duck sitting in the water
clip_image004[13]A little white duck doing what he oughter.
He took a bite of lily pad,
Flapped his wings, and said "I'm glad
I'm a little white duck, sitting in the water,
Quack, quack, quack."

There's a little green frog swimming in the water.
A little green frog doing what he oughter.
He jumped right off of the lily pad
That the little duck bit and he said, "I'm glad
I'm a little green frog, swimming in the water,
Croak, croak, croak."

There's a little black bug floating in the water.
A little black bug doing what he oughter.
He tickles the frog on the lily pad that the duck bit
and he said, "I'm glad I'm a little black bug floating in the water,
Chirp, chirp, chirp."

There's a little red snake lying on the water
A little red snake doing what he oughter.
He frightened the duck and the frog so bad
He ate the little bug and he said, "I'm glad
I'm a little red snake lying on the water,
Ssss! Ssss! Ssss!"

Now there's nobody left sitting in the water.
Nobody left doing what he oughter.
There's nothing left but the lily pad.
The duck and the frog ran away, I'm sad.
Now there's nobody left, sitting in the water,
Boo Hoo Hoo!

I’m a Little Fishy (action/puppet)
Sung to: “I’m a Little Teapot”
I’m a little fishy, I can swim.
Here is my tail, Here is my fin.
When I want to have fun with my friends,
I wiggle my tail and I dive right in!

Deep in the Jungle by Joe Scruggs (puppet) – lyrics:

I'm Being Swallowed by a Big Alligator (action/puppet)
Song on the album “Peter, Paul, & Mommy”
I'm being swallowed by a big allligator (3x),
And I don't like it very very much.
Spoken with alarm:
Oh no, he's eaten my toe!
Oh rankle, he reached my ankle!
Oh gee, he's up to my knee!
Oh sigh, he's got my thigh.
Oh jip, he's eaten my hip.
Oh fiddle, he's up to my middle. (oh crummy...tummy)
Oh heck, he's up to my neck.
Oh dread, he's swallowed my...GULP!


Baby Beluga (book by Raffi and/or puppet)
Song on Raffi’s album “Baby Beluga”
Baby beluga in the deep blue sea,
Swim so wild and you swim so free.
Heaven above and the sea below,
And a little white whale on the go.
Baby Beluga, oh baby beluga,
Is the water warm, is your mother home
With you so happy?
Way down yonder where the dolphins play
Where you dive and splash all day
Waves roll in and the waves roll out.
See the water squirting out of your spout.
Baby beluga, oh baby beluga,
Sing your little song,
Sing for all your friends,
We like to hear you.
When it's dark, you're home in bed,
Curled up snug in your water bed,
Moon is shining and the stars are out.
Good night little whale, good night.
Baby beluga, oh baby beluga,
With tomorrow's sun, another day's begun.
You'll soon be waking.
Baby beluga in the deep blue sea,
Swim so wild and you swim so free.
Heaven above and the sea below,
You’re just a little white whale on the go.

There’s a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea (flannel)
from Danny Kaye “A Child’s Celebration of Silliest Songs”
There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea,
There's a hole, there's a hole,
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea.
2. There's a bump on the log, in the hole,
in the bottom of the sea...
3. There’s a frog on the bump on the log on the hole…
4. There's a fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole...
5. There's a flea on the fly, on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole…
6. There’s a wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole…
7. There’s a flea on the wing on the fly on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole…

Five Little Freckled Frogs (action/flannel)
Song on Raffi’s “Singable Songs for the Very Young”
Five little freckled frogs
Sitting on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs (yum, yum)
One jumped into a pool
Where it was nice and cool
Then there were four green freckled frogs (Glug, glug) ….continue 4, 3, 2,1…no freckled frogs.

She Waded in the Water (action)
She waded in the water and she got her toes all wet (3x)
But she didn’t get her (clap, clap) wet, yet!
Continue with: feet, ankles, knees, thighs, then
She waded in the water and she finally got it wet (3x)
Yes she finally got her BATHING SUIT wet! (Brrr!)


Down By the Bay (flannel, book available)
On Raffi’s “Singable Songs for the Very Young

Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow
Back to my home, I dare not go,
For if I do, my mother will say…
"Did you ever see a goose kissing a moose
"Did you ever see a whale with a polka-dotted tail
"Did you ever see a fly wearing a tie
"Did you ever see a bear combing his hair
"Did you ever see llamas eating their pajamas
"Did you ever see a spider drinking apple cider
"Did you ever see an orange….apple…
"Did you ever have a time when you couldn't
make a rhyme?…Down by the bay!
(Encourage children to make up additional verses
e.g. Did you ever see a bee with a sunburned knee…

Going to the Sea (puppets) piggy back lyrics -- Original song “Going to the Zoo” by Tom Paxton, also sung by Raffi on his “Singable Songs for the Very Young”
Daddy's taking us to the sea tomorrow,
sea tomorrow, sea tomorrow,
Daddy's taking us to the sea tomorrow,
We can stay all day.
We're going to the sea, sea, sea. What will we see, see, see?
Come with me, me, me. We're going to the sea, sea, sea!
(Make up verses for sea animals)


Puff the Magic Dragon – (book illustrated by Eric Puybaret, last verses with puppets) -- this happier ending is from Peter, Paul, and Mary’s album “Peter Paul & Mommy.)

Chorus:  Puff, the magic dragon,
Lived by the sea
And frolicked in the autumn mist
In a land called Honalee

Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff
And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. Chorus

Together they would travel
On a boat with billowed sail
Jackie kept a lookout
Perched on Puff's gigantic tail
Noble kings and princes
Would bow whene'er they came
Pirate ships would lower their flags
When Puff roared out his name.  Chorus

A dragon lives forever,
But not so little boys
Painted wings & giants rings
Make way for other toys
One grey day it happened,
Jackie Paper came no more
And Puff, that mighty dragon,
He ceased his fearless roar. Chorus

His head was bent in sorrow,
Green scales fell like rain
Puff no longer went to play
Along the cherry lane
Without his lifelong friend,
Puff could not be brave
So Puff that mighty dragon
Sadly slipped into his cave. Chorus

Jackie, he got married and they had a little babe,
Jackie’s daughter Sophie went adventuring one day.
Happily she wandered down the busy beach alone,
And passing by a hidden cave,
She heard a muffled groan. Chorus

Bravely Sophie slipped in,
To the place where Puff did dwell,
The startled dragon spun around,
And frightened her as well.
Then she saw his lonely eyes
And quickly lost her fears,
Kissed the dragon’s scaly nose
And wiped away his tears.

Final chorus:
Puff the magic dragon LIVES by the sea
And frolics in the autumn mist in a land
Called -- Han--na--lee! (repeat)

Parachute:Three Little Fishies” #11 “Shake your sillies out” #1 “If you’re happy & you know it.” From Giggling & Laughing – Silly Songs for Kids”

World Ball: We’ve Got the Whole World in Our Hands

Closing Song “SING” Song by Joe Raposo,-- on “Sesame Street Platinum”
Start singing quietly with everyone (adults & children) in one big circle:

Sing, Sing a song -- Sing out loud -- Sing out strong --
Sing of good things, not bad --Sing of happy, not sad --
Sing, Sing a song --
Make it simple to last your whole life long --
Don't worry that it’s not good enough --
For anyone else to hear – Just Sing, Sing a song!
La, La, La, La, La --- La, La, La, La, La
La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La
(On the La, La’s – join hands in a circle and bring everyone to the center and then out again. –repeat the whole song…louder and stronger!)

Hand Stamping: “When I See An Elephant Fly” from“Giggling & Laughing”

6/12, 6/14, 7/15, 7/16  BWL,

6/16 Learning Gate (songs & order varied):  Dressed in pirate costume – used pirate hat for song “On my head I have a hat, it is such a funny hat…” (lyrics: also included “Deep in the Jungle” by Joe Scruggs (, and “I’m Being Swallowed by a Big Alligator.” (  2nd group opened with a discussion of puppets and what characters they planned to make out of socks and had each of the kids each handle a puppet during our program.

Additional Singable Books:
Elephants Swim (can be sung) – Linda Capus Riley
Over in the Ocean – Marianne Collins Burke – tried 2014, but kids didn’t have the patience…would need to be early in the program.
There’s a Hole in the Bucket – Westcott

Sing a Whale Song (skipped this in 2015, program 45+ minutes without it)
Song by Tom Chapin and John Forster on their album “Moonboat”(have children make whale song sounds each time you sing “sing a whale song”)

On a fateful day in the month of May
I was sitting catching fish
When a magic whale swam up to the rail
And said, “Please make a wish.”
So I said,”Well gee, I’d love to be – like you – a giant whale.”
Next thing I knew,
I was grayish-blue -- and I had a two-ton tail!

Sing a whale song. Sing a whale song.
Sing a whale song.
As the flounder said to the oyster bed,
“Sing a whale song.”

With a mighty leap I dove down deep
And swam out through the cove.
Then I raced to the top, did a belly-flop and down again I dove.
From the Arctic to the Baltic to the far off Hebrides,
Like a sub-ma-rine -- through the deep blue-green,
I swam the seven seas.
And sang a whale song.

Sing a whale song. Sing a whale song.
As the dogfish barked to the Great White Shark: "Sing a whale song."
clip_image012[13]But there were some things I wish I could forget,
Like that garbage scow off of Cur-a-cao
Or that oil spill below Brazil
Or getting caught in that giant net
And I couldn't get out and oh, was I upset!

So I had to hail that magic whale
Who changed me back once more,
Saying, "Now that you know the Great Below
We need your help on shore
To tell your tale of being a whale and all you've seen and done.
Then wet and dry, will un-i-fy, and all the world as one
Will sing a whale song.

Sing a whale song. Sing a whale song.
From the smallest ant to the tallest tree,
From the highest peak to the deepest sea,
All the world will ring in harmony
And sing a whale song!

Microsoft Word document of the lyrics is available, contact me if needed.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

SRC: Every Hero Has a Story: American Heroes

Superhero Spectacular Craftacular
10:00 a.m. session geared to younger children (ages 3-6) 11:30 a.m. geared to older (age 6-10.)  (Families with multiple siblings may enroll them all in one session.)
from: “Of Thee I Sing” by Barack Obama (below)

June 30th: Real Life American Heroes -- Get an early start on the 4th of July as we celebrate our history with stories, music, and  crafts plus a parade through the library.

“All Kinds of Heroes” – We’ll hear about people who have made a difference in all kinds of fields, then celebrate the heroes we most admire. Gave more focus to the parade aspect in the younger group, learning more about heroes for the older ones.

Display: lots of picture book biographies about American Heroes.

Music as children arrive and for crafts: selections from patriotic albums such as: “Patriotic Music for All Occasions” or Sousa Marches.


(Younger group): Happy 4th of July Jenny Sweeney – Leslie Kimmelman
(Older group):  Amazing Grace – Mary Hoffman (“no limits on your dreams” – read this the day before announcement that Misty Copeland would be the first prima ballerina of color at the American Ballet Theater!)

Action (younger group only) Wave the Flag (passed out paper flags -- Tune: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” Suit actions to words, then fall down at the end.)
Wave, wave, wave the flag
As we march around.
Hold it high to show our pride
Don’t let it touch the ground!
Repeat with “jump”, “spin”, etc.


(Younger Group) Read book: My Name is not Alexander – Jennifer Fosberry, Sing: Yankee Doodle, then read  Every-day Dress Up – Selina Alko


(Older Group): Read book: Of Thee I Sing – Barack Obama
(bookttalked to the younger group)


Both groups, end with singable book:  This Land is Your Land by Pete Seeger, illustrated by Kathy Jacobson (skipped the sad verses with younger)


· Younger – optional Make a Hero poster from people they know/have heard of and/ or Make a Noisemaker & Liberty Crown, paper flag.

· Older – Choose a Hero, make a placard (some chose to make the crowns/noisemakers as well)

Placards: 12x18 poster board (leftover from our Baker & Taylor shipments), markers, scissors, glue sticks, wallpaper samples (for placard heroes’ clothes) plus hole punches & yarn to hang these around their necks.
Noisemakers: small paper plates, beans or popcorn, markers, staplers, optional ribbon for decorating.
Crowns: die cut blue star borders, triangle sliced red and white construction paper.
Flags:  photocopies of:, straws, gluesticks, red & blue markers.

For the Crown:  Have your child glue together two of the blue headbands, then glue on the red & white triangles before fitting it to their head. Alternatively: could use stars and pipe cleaners as depicted below.


For the noisemaker: Have your child color the underside of two paper plates, then count out 10 beans to place inside before the adult staples the plates together.


(ours were much less formally designed)

Additional ideas:

We played patriotic music CD while they were creating.
We lined up for a group picture then took the boom box and I led our “Parade of Heroes” (children wearing their people placards and liberty crowns, noisemakers and waving American flags) around the library.  Parade included a great variety of “heroes” Jackie Robinson, Jack Kennedy, Helen Keller, Cesar Chavez, Chief Joseph, Rosa Parks, MLK, Thomas Jefferson, Susan B. Anthony, Sacajawea, Betsy Ross, and many more.   Sang Yankee Doodle Dandy when CD player stopped working on batteries.

"I figure if a girl wants to be a legend, she should go ahead and be one."
~ Calamity Jane (1852-1903), American frontierswoman



Cool article: